Faithfulness in Little Things

Faithfulness in Little Things March 26, 2012

“Faithfulness in great things is not uncommon; faithfulness in little things is rare but most indicative of character. Almost any husband would leap into the sea or rush into a burning building to rescue his perishing wife. But to anticipate the convenience or happiness of the wife in some small matter, the neglect of which would go unnoticed, is a more eloquent proof of tenderness.

“Our lives for the most part are made up of little things, and by these our character is to be tested. There are very few who have to take a prominent place in the great conflicts of our age; the vast majority must dwell in humbler scenes and be content to do a more humble work. The conflicts which we have to endure either against evil in our own soul or in the moral circle where our influence would seem to be trivial are in reality the struggle of the battle for life and decency; and true heroism is shown here as well as in those grander scales in which others win the leader’s fame or the martyr’s crown. Little duties carefully discharged; little temptations earnestly resisted with the strength which God supplies; little sins crucified – these all together help to form that character which is to be described not as popular or glamorous, but as moral and noble.”

— Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

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