Bill Murray and Others Offer Jokes for the Pope – and a Good Cause

Bill Murray and Others Offer Jokes for the Pope – and a Good Cause September 23, 2015

JokeWithThePopeToday, I discovered a website called, which is sponsored by the Pontifical Mission Societies, “the Catholic Church’s official support organization for overseas missions since 1822, providing for a global network of people who are making a difference for communities in need around the globe. These change-makers offer help to the most vulnerable communities of our world. They provide essential education and health care, social outreach and advocacy, and pastoral service. They offer spiritual comfort. They make the difference for the poor and forgotten.”

In order to raise awareness about their work and encourage people to download their Missio app, the Pontifical Mission Societies created a website and program in which celebrities and ordinary people can upload video of themselves telling a joke, and donate it to one of three specific causes (Help Children in Need in Buenos Aires, Argentina; House the Homeless in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; or Feed the Hungry in Nairobi Kenya).

Actor Bill Murray, who has expressed an appreciation for the Latin Mass and whose sister is a Dominican nun, has been named Honorary Advisor for Pontifical Comedy – and contributed a joke himself:

Other joke contributors are NBC’s Al Roker:

And three-time Christopher Award-winning author Father James Martin:

Check out all the “comedians” at

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