If You’re Still Searching for a New Year’s Resolution, This is Perfect for You

If You’re Still Searching for a New Year’s Resolution, This is Perfect for You January 3, 2017

Candle-2The words of the prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi are perfect for those still searching for a New Year’s resolution – or those looking for a way to change themselves for the better at any time of year.

Trying to live out even one of these concepts, instead of just lamenting what’s wrong with the world, will add God’s light to the darkness.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be
consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying
that we are born to eternal life.

(Photo via TanteTati via VisualHunt.com)

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