It’s real simple, sanctuary cities aid and abet criminality

It’s real simple, sanctuary cities aid and abet criminality March 21, 2017

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The more places that adopt the idea of becoming a sanctuary city, the fewer protections are afforded to its citizens. As law enforcement officers, it’s our duty and obligation to keep our cities safe and not harbor criminal offenders.

Yet, that’s on the rise in this country. Five hundred cities are now aiding and abetting criminality by offering illegal aliens a safe harbor even though they’ve been arrested or convicted of some very serious crimes. A lot of people express sympathy for the illegal immigrant who comes to this country for a better life and blends into society. But that’s not who we are talking about, here. That’s a problem to be dealt with, but emotions can’t supersede facts. And the fact is, criminal aliens are among the peaceful immigrants and that’s too risky to ignore.

Take for instance in my city of Milwaukee. Just recently, an illegal immigrant put his family’s life in danger when he pointed a firearm at his grilfriend and young children. He is being detained and will soon face deportation. Even though it’s not a requirement, we will be assisting ICE in its efforts to get this suspect back to his country of origin. That’s what the people of Milwaukee elected me to do, and even though the feds can’t force us to assist, it’s our ethical obligation to do so.

I always point to the law enforcement code of ethics which states in part that we are to assist with other lawfully and legal law enforcement agencies in the pursuit of justice. And that’s what I intend to do. I don’t understand why these chief executives of departments continue to send orders down to stonewall the immigration agency. But that’s why President Trump is threatening federal funding for cities who continue to harbor these criminals. It’s time for them to do what’s right.

I  have a duty and obligation to protect the law abiding citizens in my community and I’ll do everything in my power to that end.

Click CONTINUE to see my appearance on Varney and Company on Fox Business:

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