January 16, 2009

We generally associate “holy professions” as pastors, priest, missionaries and evangelists. But there is much to learn from a simple paperboy. Sam over at New Breed of Advertisers posted this poem last week: Sodden soaked to the skin our paperboy protects his precious parcels neglecting himself Sam says that the paperboy displays a holy attitude, because “his work energizes…it produces value….and is an act of service.” He summarizes, “At the heart of work – done in a Christ-like manner –... Read more

January 9, 2009

Do you work with twits, nits or nasties? Are you asked to the impossible — or the immoral? Is your work drudgery and you don’t know how to turn it around? You want to live out the High Calling to be a Red Letter Believer in your workplace, but you just don’t know how. Do you have a question on how to make a difference in your workplace? Now you have a chance to ask a real expert, Randy Kilgore,... Read more

January 7, 2009

Over the next three days, we have been privileged to interview Randy Kilgore, the author of Made to Matter, Devotions for Working Christians. (part 3 of 3)How should Christians act in the workplace?We Christians should live lives that bring honor to the name of Christ. How? First, we must practice the kind of humility that comes from a constant awareness we don’t deserve to be in relationship with God. We stop being humble the moment we forget how stained we... Read more

January 6, 2009

P. 2 of Randy Kilgore interviewOver the next three days, we are privileged to interview Randy Kilgore, the author of Made to Matter, Devotions for Working Christians. (Part 2 of 3)Not all of us are gifted with words or theological knowledge. How can we practically live out the words of Jesus in our everyday existence? Maybe not, but the Bible teaches us that the Nebraska wheat farmer can know how to please God just as certainly as a pastor with... Read more

January 5, 2009

Over the next three days, we are priviledged to interview Randy Kilgore, the author of Made to Matter, Devotions for Working Christians. The title of both your book and your organization is “Made to Matter.” What does this mean to the average Christian in the workplace?That’s the question I wish every interviewer would start with, because I think it raises the issues that are closest to the heart of nearly every effective workplace ministry. Plus, it crosses the age or... Read more

January 4, 2009

No one likes to waste time. We have planners on our desks, calanders in prominent places and clocks in every room to keep us on track. Even worse than missed time, are missed opportunities. Randy Kilgore is on a mission to help Christians make the most of their unique opportunity in the marketplace. “Did we miss the chance,”he asks in his poignant new release, “Made to Matter: Devotions for working Chrisitans.”The book is a collection of 53 weekly lessons to... Read more

January 1, 2009

A number of bloggers responded to our Group Writing Project, “Reflections of 2008.” Andy, over at the Narrow Road, reflects on this past year as he left the corporate world and is engaged in full-time studies. He says his vision is much clearer now “By clearing some of the trash off the path so I could more easily follow His Son.” Read his full post here. Jennifer, who posts regularly at “Getting Down with Jesus,” is one of the High... Read more

December 30, 2008

We realize that not all readers of this blog listen – or even appreciate – any kind of music that calls itself “heavy metal.” Music divides far more often than it unites. But we are intrigued by the story of Brian Welch, formerly of the band KORN. The band, if you don’t know, is one of the hardest bands out there, freely singing about sex and drugs and a very angry world. Their music is “dark, explicit and disturbing.” Imagine... Read more

December 26, 2008

We were recently introduced to a group of men and women who are trying to make a difference in the workplace – something near and dear to our hearts. These believers go by the name of Capitol Ministries are looking to establish a Christian presence in all 50 of the state legislatures across the country. And, unlike almost every other group in the contry, these men and women don’t have any political agenda. “We are here to change hearts, not... Read more

December 22, 2008

The security guard who was trampled to death on Black Friday at a Long Island Wal-Mart should not be forgotten. In fact, blogger Steve over at “Thy Grace is Sufficient” has an amazing post on “The Wal-Mart Death on all of us.” Steve says, “Mr. Damour is dead, because, well, we need to have our stuff….he was crushed under the weight of their greed, lust for consumption, and lack of concern for others. Crushed by our sick culture, one that... Read more

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