The Ultimate Blog Party – Come on In, Peeps +Tweeps, Lurks + Blurks!

The Ultimate Blog Party – Come on In, Peeps +Tweeps, Lurks + Blurks! April 14, 2012

What it is, yo.

Sing the following words to Miley Cyrus’ Party in the USA‘: So, I put my hands up their playin’ my song, the butterflies fly away… ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-yay-ah, there’s a party at gabbingwithgrace, ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-yay-ah, there’s a party at gabbingwithgrace! =)

My 1st ever blog party, y’all.  Today, I’m gettin’ jiggy with 5 Minutes For Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party 2012!

Go. Go. Go.

If you’re a blogger, do not pass go, don’t collect $100 just GO participate.  There are $21,000 worth of prizes including music, drinks & all sorts of social-media-booty + connecting with many other bloggers in your niche.  I LOVE finding new blogs and this is a great way for all of us to network.  With that said, read up on how to participate and then go make some new blog friends.

Who Am I?

First things first: my name is Grace. My dad decided to name me Grace after having 5 boys.  He said it was God’s grace on him to give him a daughter.  I’ve often been told that I’m named well.  I’ve tried to live into that name, and into that meaning…

…unmerited favor…

…by extending it to myself and to others.

I follow Jesus.  I decided to do that at 19.  It was the most important and best decision I’ve ever made.

I’m 35, which feels QUITE old.  Just 5 years to 40! Holy-mother-of-a-grown-up!

I’m a flaming extrovert.

I am from Detroit.  I love Detroit.

I’m ethnically African-American & Italian-American.

 I’ve always related best to my black side & generally don’t fuss with calling myself biracial any longer.

I cut to the chase: I’m black, ya’ll.

I like to talk about race a lot.

Growing up black and white in this country has officially made me a part of the “racially insane.”

I really love watching movies.

I LOVE the creativity of fashion, hair, make-up, blogging, writing & photography.

I think that makes me an artist.

Or it will, eventually? =)

I love public speaking with a deep passion.

I’m working on a memoir about my life growing up in Detroit.

I love love stories, movies about love, books about love, gossip about love.  In fact, if a movie doesn’t introduce some sort of love story that I care about, I can barely even tolerate to finish it.  This people, is why the hubs and I don’t watch a lot of movies together!

He wants stuff being blown up, I want love.  Put that together you get Transformers.

I confess,  I’m a Twi-Hard.

I have super huge feet.  A 10.  Sometimes, an 11.  I’m 5 6″.  It’s ridiculous. (Blasted pregnancy. Grrr)

I battle depression.  On and off for at least 5 years now.  It blows.

It has twice now, almost completely ruined my life.

I’m athletic.  I don’t often do organized sports but I’m good at any sport I try.  I’ve never tried golf.

I ran a marathon.

Very slowly.

I snort when I laugh.

I’m not afraid of a hard conversation.

I try to be honest with myself and with others.

Leonardo Dicaprio.  Denzel Washington.


I’m not a helicopter mom, at all.  I believe kids need freedom and space to make their own mistakes.

Growing up, I had a lot of time on my hands to be alone, to think, to create, to draw, to write, to be outside and dig for worms.  I want those large empty spaces for my children.

I don’t mind traveling away from my kids and have worked 20, 30, 40 or 50 hrs. a week since both have been born.

I enjoy working.

Some may call me a workaholic.

(some may be right).

You may say that I’m a dreamer…

(and you’d be right).

I love social media.  I just may be an official ‘social media enthusiast.’

I dig adventures.

I like risks. Sometimes they get me into trouble, other times I’m thrilled.

I am messy.

I’ve tried the Getting Things Done method of organizing my life three times.

And three times, I have failed.

I will try again!

I don’t often give up.

But I ALWAYS want to.

I love learning about leadership, marketing, social media & writing.

Seriously, I could read ALL DAY about any of these things.

Often, I do.

Anne Lamott is my favorite author.

Harry Potter is my favorite series.

I love the music of Beyonce, Rihanna, Britney, Pink, Janet Jackson, Monica, Brandy, Aaliyah, Adele, Sara Berallis, Amy Winehouse, Keri Noble, Corrine Bailey Rae, Norah Jones, India.Arie, Alicia Keys & Taylor Swift.  All girls.

But I AM NOT A feminist.

Please don’t ever get it twisted.  I’m for humanity.  Men, women, boy and girl.

I guess I can get a little snippy at times.

Mostly with the hubs.

I like people.

Which means, chances are, I like you.

Why I Blog?

I started blogging on my MySpace account in April 2006 ~ a whopping six years ago!  Within 4 weeks, I knew I loved it.  There was something about sharing my thoughts everyday for an insta-audience that captivated me.  I gathered a meager following of 80 devoted MySpace readers and I really thought I was ALL THAT & a bag of chips.

In the next two years, I flip-flopped between MySpace, FaceBook Notes (remember those?) & a free WordPress blog of a different URL.  In January 2008, I finally landed here at

I blog now for several reasons which can be summed up by: I love doing it.  I would rather prepare my next blog post then go shopping (?!?!), watch a movie (!?!?), or even read!  And about 45 times more than cleaning my house.

I do it for the discipline of writing.

I do it to involve others in my life and enjoy community online.

I do it to build a platform for the memoir I’m hoping to publish soon.

I do it to network and meet others.

I do it to share the hope that I have found in following Jesus.

I do it to inspire people, to help people, to give people courage to believe in themselves and their dreams.

I do it to keep fanning the flame of the creative spirit in me that needs to get out somehow.

I don’t do it for money.  Well, unless you count the .002 cents I make every hour.


Cast ‘O’ Characters in My Life

I celebrate my 12th year wedding anniversary to my hubs aka Scrapdog on May 20, 2012!

I have two adorable, sweet, loud & obnoxious boys…

 The 6.5 yr. old, above

The 2.5 yr. old, below


 R2 has teeth now!  I need to update their pics!

 My Other Hats

Other than blogging, I work 20-30 hrs. a week as a Minister on college campuses in the midwest with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA.  I raise funds for African-American students to be transformed, world-changing Christians.  If that interests you, you can donate here.

Finally, I’m work (part) part-time as a freelance advertising hiring agent.  So, if your looking for part-time, stay-at-home work doing basic administrative work online for GREAT pay check it out here.

SO HAPPY YOU STOPPED BY MY E-DIGS! MUCH LOVE!  Please introduce yourself in the comments & let me know where you blog.  I’ll visit you, I promise! 


Ask me ANY question and I’ll answer! =)


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