April 6, 2004

I don’t know what you blog but I can’t watch it anymore…

Ahlanwasahlan: More anecdotes from his trip to Baghdad: One stall owner stops us to entice us with a child toy (spinning top).. My friend M has the following conversation with him:

Seller: Go on buy one of these and make your child happy..

M: what if I don’t have a child

Seller: God will give you one if you buy the toy.

M: Would God give a child to a single man?

Seller: of course, haven’t you heard about cloning and test tube babies.. He actually said the last sentence in English with a very wry smile..

Like everything else about this trip I would have loved to stop by to chat some more with this educated toy seller to see how on earth he ended up doing this for a living.. Alas…


Church of the Masses: See Barb in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia and DC and also DC! I saw her speak here and it was awesome.

Crooked Timber: More fiction in collision: Goodnight Moon Is a Harsh Mistress: Goodnight penal colony on the moon. Goodnight earth controlling the penal colony on the moon. Goodnight supercomputer named Mike.

Are You There, Godot? It’s Me, Margaret: Young girl gets tired of waiting, waits anyway.

The Name and Necessity of the Rose: Monks search for a copy of Kripke’s fabled “Third Lecture.”

The DaVinci Code of the Woosters: in which Aunt Agatha is discovered to be a member of Opus Dei and Jeeves demonstrates the correct way to serve afternoon tea from a holy grail.

What Do People Do All Burmese Days?: Richard Scarry reflects on his unhappy career as a British colonial police officer in Burma. “Having to beat the prisoners made me feel like a lowly worm.”

The Way The Things They Carried Work: Children’s pictorial guide to the functioning of Vietnam-era military hardware.

‘Tis Pity She’s a Dunwich Horror

Moby Dick Tracy: Call me Ishmael…on your wrist radio!

Tropic of Cancer Ward: More sex than you’d expect.

A Swiftly Tilting Planet of the Apes

Gaudy Night of the Living Dead: Harriet Vane returns to Oxford only to find it overrun with zombies.

and so many more!

Via Kesher Talk.

Julian’s Lounge: Another DC blogorama approacheth. I won’t be there–a) I’m counseling and b) it’s Holy Thursday. But don’t let that stop you! (Um, unless you’re Catholic. Then yeah, let that stop you.)

Mercury Studios: Good basic post on how comics pages create rhythm and control speed.

Drinking habits around the world: Are the English just whacked in the head? A BBC investigative report. Via Oxblog.

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