May 14, 2004

LET US HAVE NO MORE MARRIAGES: The current question at MarriageDebate is this: “Some advocates across the political spectrum are making the radical case for separating the civil and religious dimensions of marriage entirely. Let religions keep the word ‘marriage,’ they say; the state should merely provide civil unions for all. Lawmakers in New York and Massachusetts have already proposed this move.

“This radical proposal has won a surprising amount of support from religious believers who think the definition of marriage should be left to the churches; gay-rights supporters who want all couples to be treated equally; and some who believe it’s the best way to prevent alternative family forms from being enshrined in law.

“What’s your view?”

You can find a really excellent quote from Jonathan Rauch on this subject here. You can find a much less excellent post from me here.

Now, I ordinarily do not push my Day Job on you people. But I think a couple of the constituencies who read my blog (libertarians? hardcore crazy theocons? I’m so looking at you…) have a lot to say about this issue. Look: For a lot of reasons that I think are really, really bad, the more extreme libertarian and theocon positions are getting a mainstream hearing w/r/t civil marriage. Surely you want to take advantage of this opportunity. So tell me what you think.

Jim Henley: Hello, yes, staring fixedly in your direction. I am sure you have cogent commentary on all this.

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