September 25, 2004

This never was one of the great blogwatches,

But I thought you’d always have those young girl’s eyes…

Get Religion: God and the hurricanes.

Lileks: Geekiest Bleat ever… focusing on the music and the glory of one of the very, very, very few episodes of Star Trek (The Original Series, a.k.a. The Only Real Trek) I have never seen. I am consumed by geekness and must watch episode now! Help me, Netflix-Wan–you’re my only hope! (Via The Corner.)

Oxblog: Extremely important post on Afghan elections, from a foreign correspondent.

Unqualified Offerings: Elvis Costello = Philip Larkin. Hrm. I’m willing to buy this, actually, if you read Larkin’s relentless grimth as his own version of Costello’s self-conscious, defensively ironic punning. Anyway, both men are brilliant, and I am definitely planning to buy EC’s latest, per Jim’s recommendation. My thought is that EC is more intelligent, though PL was more attuned to real-world, concrete textures and details.

Jewsweek interviews Henry Hill, a.k.a. that guy from “Goodfellas,” about his Jewish reawakening. Via Relapsed Catholic.

Breaking Vows: When Faithful Catholics Divorce,” via Dappled Things.

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