December 1, 2004

With your cheap rewards, your blackmail, and your comical rage,

Just remember you’ll only watch my blog as long as you pay my wage…

Camassia on search requests that brought people to her blog: “what evidence supports that humans are basically

“If the end of that sentence is ‘good,’ try Rousseau, or maybe Star Trek. If it’s ‘bad,’ try Augustine, or maybe world history.”

(I should note that there’s a big distinction between “basically bad” and “basically Fallen,” but now I’m just ruining the joke, so I’ll shut up.)

MarriageDebate has a LOT of interesting stuff up now, including an extended conversation between Maggie Gallagher and Jonathan Rauch on marriage’s relation to gender and procreativity. More tomorrow. Go over there and join the debate!

And you’ve probably seen this report on infant euthanasia in the Netherlands; Hugo Schwyzer‘s comments section has some really powerful posts, especially the one from La Lubu.

Google has a government-only search engine. Via Hit & Run.

ETA: My cousin Sam (a.k.a. Professor Samuel Bagenstos) has a blog on disability law. Via How Appealing.

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