Your Chance to Support Caregiving, Celibate Vocations, A Gorgeous Pooch, AND Libresco’s Birthday!

Your Chance to Support Caregiving, Celibate Vocations, A Gorgeous Pooch, AND Libresco’s Birthday! July 22, 2015

do a mitzvah, man…

I’m a big fan of the blog A Queer Calling, and I’m lucky enough to know Lindsey and Sarah in real life.  They write thoughtfully and generously about their experience offering learning how to live their vocation of love in a partnership, and they’ve placed hospitality/offering love to others at the center of their relationship. …

Right now, Lindsey and Sarah are having a rough time — Sarah has Menière’s disease, which affects balance and hearing. She’s getting a surgery that should help, but there have been some snags and complications.  I’m helping them out by contributing to the GoFundMe that they set up to raise money to train Gemma, Sarah’s service dog.  (And, as is my custom, I’m matching donations I make to a “near” person by donating the same amount to a “far” cause through Against Malaria, GiveWell’s top rated charity).


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