FREE! Buy My Book. Get $284 in Faith-building Resources!

FREE! Buy My Book. Get $284 in Faith-building Resources! May 19, 2015

Yes! Free stuff! Who doesn’t like that? And when the free stuff helps you in your faith walk — even better!

Now, I’m not talking about those free wristbands everyone has these days or even free air fresheners for your car so you can remember a cool conference for a week or two. I’m talking about faith-building resources valued at $284 — and I want to give them to you for FREE!

See the entire list of FREE stuff with a click here.

Here’s why:  I think it will help your faith grow exponentially.

And the reviews at Amazon so far have been stellar but humbling.

Some really cool people have said some really kind things about it, including Mark D. Roberts, Timothy Dalrymple, Michael Wear, Jeff Goins, John Stonestreet, Ron Edmondson, Mark Sanborn, Kelly Monroe-Kullberg, Brad Lomenick  — well, you can click here to see more if you want.

But you live a busy life. It can be hard to remember to do things — even good things.

So if  by giving you a bunch of helpful resources, I can encourage you to order the book ASAP, then I’m happy to do so.

Has it been a lot of work putting the resources together? Yes. Will they help grow your faith? I hope so. But it will all be worth it if one more person chooses to step out and live a story worth telling because of it.

A Story Worth Telling: Your Field Guide to Living an Authentic Life is designed to help you do just that. Click here to explore more.

A Sample from the Book

Charles and Charla Pereau would have never dreamed of the story they would live by following God one step at a time. First came an unexpected request from a missionary. Would they consider adopting a Zapotec baby boy from Mexico? Three months later, they were cradling a tiny raven-haired boy, whom they took home to southern California to join their family.

But God’s plan was only just getting started. As their love for their son grew, so did their concern for their neighbors south of the border. Five years later, Charles was asked to drive a truck of clothing to an orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. Though the orphanage was just twenty-five miles south of San Diego, God would use the short journey to change their lives yet again. The orphanage overlooked a garbage dump where more than ninety abandoned children lived. The sight caused Charla to weep. The children living in the garbage looked just like her little boy at home.

They delivered the clothes and continued south into the Baja Peninsula. They were lost and out of gas when they stumbled upon a group of crumbling adobe buildings. Images from the dump were fresh in Charla’s mind, and her heart was still raw for those abandoned children. As she looked out over the arid land surrounding the old buildings, faith opened her eyes to what she describes as a God-given vision. She heard the sound of children’s laughter in the empty structures. The desert plain became a field of wheat before her eyes. The words of John 4:35 reverberated through her: “Lo, the fields are white unto harvest.”

Charla believed she had seen God’s vision for that place. With little more than faith, she and Charles bought that land and started Foundation For His Ministry (FFHM). Through a lot of hard work they revamped the adobe buildings and started bringing in the little ones in from the streets. Forty-eight years later, they haven’t stopped. The ministry now runs three orphanages throughout Mexico and has planted multiple churches and a Bible school for training church leaders.

When I visited the vibrant facility in Baja in 2008, I met Charla, who at the time of this writing is still involved in the ministry as much as possible. I held the joyful orphans rescued from the streets and garbage dumps. I saw firsthand the joyful FaithWalkers who care for the disabled and poor, provide free medical care, run a school, sustain a macadamia nut orchard, manage a fire and rescue department relied on by the community, and much more. Charla and Charles know that only God could have grown this work from a vision in one woman’s mind to an organization that has influenced thousands. That’s the kind of story he can write when you are willing to let faith open your eyes.

Want to Read More?

300x250JeffGoinsI wrote  A Story Worth Telling as a field guide to help you live an authentic life of abundant faith.

It’s packed with practical helps, challenging thoughts, and real-life stories of people who stepped out before they knew how it would all turn out.

Not quite ready to buy the book? I’d like to give you an entire chapter.

I’ll also let you know how to get those FREE faith-building resources valued at $284!

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