August 4, 2012

It doesn’t matter if you have an office, cubicle, or share a common work space.  Nor does it matter if you’re a senior executive, middle manager, or working on the frontlines.  It’s important that your space reflect personal values, sense of self, and contributes to keeping you grounded.  Photos of friends and family are very important, yet they should not be the primary motivators.  This sole focus can get you into trouble.  You answer to three basic things:  a higher... Read more

June 29, 2012

Spiritual wellness for senior and mid-level executives is overlooked.  Scholars rarely write about it and business leaders are hesitant to acknowledge the need.  Psychics, astrologers, or tarot card readers are used by many high level professionals.  It’s not something they talk about or admit to, if at all, outside a very close circle. Executives have spiritual needs unaddressed by organized faith due to distrust, jadedness, and because worship services seem pointlessly mundane.  Some executives only attend traditional worship services because... Read more

June 6, 2012

A friend of mine quipped, “why would you go to a nun for advice about sex in the first place.”  It was his dry wit responding to the latest Vatican salvo against American sisters.  Although he recognized the book criticized by the Vatican, Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics is not a how-to-manual, implied in his gentle sarcasm was the question why celibate, sexually inexperienced men have an inordinate focus on the sex act.  The book, authored by Sister... Read more

June 3, 2012

“Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, ‘All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.’ At this, Jesus said to him, ‘Get away, Satan! It is written: ‘The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.'” (Matthew 4: 8-10). All Christians have something to learn from the latest... Read more

May 15, 2012

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney offered the 2012 commencement speech at Liberty University, an evangelical university founded by Rev. Jerry Falwell. Although media focus remains and public discussion continues on same-gender marriage*, there is a larger issue that remains overlooked. Why government is caught in the middle of the marriage debate. If marriage is a sacrament or a religious matter, then how can a nation with a fundamental principle that includes the separation of church... Read more

April 4, 2012

Eastern and Western liturgical calendars differ regarding the celebration of moveable feasts such as Pascha (Easter).  Sunday, April 8th, Easter is celebrated by most Christian denominations.  The Eastern Orthodox Church will celebrate Pascha on April 15th.  It still uses the Julian calendar whereas the civil and liturgical schedule in the West is the Gregorian calendar.  This can be a dilemma for some Orthodox parishes.  Immigrants may want tradition in contrast to those born in America or Canada wanting a more... Read more

March 29, 2012

Timothy Cardinal Dolan observed that America is in a “religion battle.”  The Catholic leader is concerned that there is an “unwarranted, unprecedented, radical intrusion” by government into religion.  His Eminence added that secular culture is the source of creating “new rights every day.”  Instead of encouraging another “battle” to fuel the divisive culture wars, what’s needed is a respectful conversation with a national panel of several prominent religious leaders and thinkers. A discussion moderated by Bill Moyers or Jon Meacham... Read more

March 8, 2012

Actor and Christian evangelist Kirk Cameron stirred a hornet’s nest when he honestly answered a direct question about homosexuality during an interview.  According to Cameron homosexuality is “unnatural … I think that it’s detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.” Although I disagree with Cameron’s theology and interpretation of scripture, he is entitled to his opinion no matter how distasteful I or anyone else finds it.  Hence, calling his opinion “un-American,” as one celebrity did... Read more

February 27, 2012

GOP Presidential candidate and former Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Rick Santorum recently made the sweeping claim that “I don’t believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute.”  He added that John F. Kennedy’s speech on religion “makes me throw up.”  Kennedy had called for an absolute separation in September 1960. Prominent thinkers and Americans had this to say about the separation of church and state before John F. Kennedy: 1612 – “[The government representative] is not... Read more

February 22, 2012

The Eastern Orthodox Church does not celebrate Ash Wednesday.  Preparation for Pascha (Easter) formally begins on “Clean” Monday, February 27th.  It marks the start of Great Lent or the Great Fast in the Orthodox calendar.  During every Great Lent there is hope that the days leading up to Pascha are restorative and transformative.  This year several Eastern Orthodox saints are walking with me known prior to their canonization as “Fools for Christ.” Several Holy Fools have tugged at my soul... Read more

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