The Left is Launching its Onslaught against Michele Bachmann

The Left is Launching its Onslaught against Michele Bachmann July 12, 2011

After doing its best to destroy Sarah Palin, the secular Left is coming hard after Michelle Bachmann (with a strong assist from the MSM).  In the Corner today, I discuss why:

Why the hate? The secular feminist world view was built around multiple destructive cultural lies: motherhood is a barrier to self-actualization, orthodox religion traps women unhappily in the home, and the only real path to power and happiness is exploding, not upholding, traditional religious values. Yet a mother of five (with 23 foster children), happily married in a Christian family, and who proudly espouses the very traditional values most repugnant to the academic feminist Left is a leading candidate for the most powerful office in the world. She is a living refutation of their foundational beliefs, and — like Sarah Palin — she must be destroyed.

Read the whole thing.

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