NYC Schools to Dispense Morning-After Pill Without Notifying Parents

NYC Schools to Dispense Morning-After Pill Without Notifying Parents September 25, 2012

Earlier, I wrote about how the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now recommends IUDs and hormonal implants as the most effective method of pregnancy prevention for teens. Well, if that doesn’t work, the NYC public schools will give your kids the morning-after pill:

The New York City Department of Education is providing morning-after pills and other birth control drugs to students at 13 city high schools.

School nurse offices supplied with the contraceptives can reportedly dispense “Plan B” emergency contraception and other oral or injectable birth control to girls as young as 14 without telling their parents — unless the parents opt out of the program after receiving a school letter informing them of the new policy.

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This article first appeared on National Review.

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