Couple Announce Break Up After Five Year Relationship Via Catchy YouTube

Couple Announce Break Up After Five Year Relationship Via Catchy YouTube January 15, 2013

Jonathan Mann is a singer/songwriter who writes and sings a song a day on his website, “A Song a Day Guy.”  When he and his real life girlfriend of five years finally decided to break up — he wanted kids, she didn’t — they made a song to announce it to their friends.  Basically, they wanted to tell everyone all at once, and to implore them to still invite both of them to the same parties.  I have to hand it to them, I’ve never seen a break-up go as smoothly as this one.  (I’d want them both to come to my parties.)  Watch their break up video here:

When you have broken up with people, were you the type who wants to “still be friends?”  Or do you make a “clean cut” and try to move on?

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