Gay students freak out over Chick-Fil-A on their campus – guess how student government responds?

Gay students freak out over Chick-Fil-A on their campus – guess how student government responds? March 2, 2016

 Just when you thought that cooler heads prevailed and Chick-fil-A could move beyond being the latest object of our ever-sillier culture wars, .

They caved.

Just when you thought Chick-fil-A could move beyond being the latest object of our ever-sillier culture wars, there’s this.

Fox News has more on the latest developments at the University of Nebraska – Kearney:

The hullabaloo started last January when students were asked to select a new dining option for the student union. Their choices included Chick-fil-A, Panda Express, IHOP, A&W and Sbarro.

The youngsters chose Chick-fil-A – in a landslide. …

However, it turns out majority does not rule at the University of Nebraska – Kearney. A vocal minority pitched a fit and demanded that Chick-fil-A be banished from campus.

Among those opposed to the chicken restaurant were members of the university’s Queer Straight Alliance (QSA).

“We only hope to create dialogue on the importance of being aware to issues facing diverse and minority students,” QSA president Tiff Weekley told the Kearney Hub. “Though majority voices are most often heard, it is important to listen to what issues are facing all students and to start conversations around those.”

The cowardly student government buckled, tantrums were thrown about Chick-fil-A’s “discriminatory policies” (Pay no attention to the fact that there has never been an iota of evidence of any anti-LGBT discrimination by anyone at Chick-fil-A), and another vote was held… this time without Chick-fil-A on the ballot.

Every time someone at University of Nebraska – Kearney craves a chicken sandwich, democracy dies just a bit more

Apparently, the next generation of social justice warriors is less tolerant and less rational than ever before. They ignore the strides made by previous generations of campus LGBT activists who, despite fundamental differences, choose to befriend the CEO of Chick-fil-A. The group’s executive director, Shane Windmeyer, wrote very eloquently,

In the end, it is not about eating (or eating a certain chicken sandwich). It is about sitting down at a table together and sharing our views as human beings, engaged in real, respectful, civil dialogue. Dan would probably call this act the biblical definition of hospitality. I would call it human decency. So long as we are all at the same table and talking, does it matter what we call it or what we eat?

In fact, pro-LGBT group Campus Pride suspended their anti-Chick-fil-A campaign years ago.

Someone send Shane to University of Nebraska – Kearney. Tell him to bring Dan Cathy and some fried chicken to teach these youngsters what it means to be real, respectful, and decent.

Seems like they could learn a thing or two.
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