Why Joey Feek’s 2 year old hasn’t asked for her since Joey’s death

Why Joey Feek’s 2 year old hasn’t asked for her since Joey’s death April 6, 2016

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Country music star Joey Feek passed away from cancer a month ago, but her 2 year old daughter Indiana has not asked for her mother once since Joey’s passing.

Why?  Because when Joey realized she was going to lose her battle with cancer, she made the ultimate sacrifice for her daughter.

Joey’s husband, Rory, explains:

Indy has not asked for her mama.  Not one single time since Joey’s been gone.  It’s almost as if she hasn’t noticed that she’s not here.  And that is so sad… and oh, so wonderful – all at the same time.

When we first got to Indiana in late October, Joey was Indy’s whole world.  Everyone else was… well, just everyone else.  Including me.  She loved her mama so much and all she wanted was to be with her, beside her or in-sight of her.  But in early November, when Joey started to realize that there was a good chance that she might not beat her battle with cancer, she made a decision…”he must become greater and I must become less.”

And she started going against everything in her being that told her “time was short” so hold her baby even tighter… and longer… and more… and instead – she handed the baby to me, and sat alone in a bed and watched and listened as my relationship with Indy grew…and hers lessoned.

I can’t even begin to fathom the strength and selfless love it took for Joey to do this for her daughter.  Words fail to articulate the magnitude of this kind of love.

Rory writes:

Who does that?  Who has that kind of strength and character?  Not me, that’s for sure.  I would’ve taken the low, easy road… the one that served me more.  I would’ve tried to make the ties with our baby stronger and her love for me deeper so that she wouldn’t forget me… and in the end, probably left our baby wrecked with grief over the loss of the one person she loved and needed most.  But not Joey.  She let Indy fall more in love with me…and less in love with her.  She carried the pain on her own shoulders, to try to keep it off of mine.  And even more so, off of Indy’s.

Even in the midst of her final days, Joey’s actions ultimately reflect the love of her Savior.  Joey’s sacrifice for Indiana is a glimpse into the type of sacrificial love we were all given at the Cross.

May we all live such lives of faith and service that even in our most desperate hour, we are able to point the watching world to the one true Hope.

(Photo: Instagram)


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