7 Quick Takes Friday!

7 Quick Takes Friday! September 10, 2010

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 96)

For more wonderful quick takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!

*** 1 ***

I am now in my sixth month of pregnancy! I’m of course thrilled, but also, starting to realize just how much needs to get done before the baby is born!

– finish the nursery (put together crib, re-cover the second hand glider, wash, put away/hang all the baby’s clothes, set up diaper station, etc.)

– CLEAN the house! (I may elicit some help with that one!)

– baby-proof (Are you supposed to baby proof before the baby is born? Or once the baby starts moving around more?)

– scrapbook/put floating photos into albums

– go to a La Leche League meeting

– cook/freeze some easy meals we can eat in January

-take infant CPR/first aid class (thank God our hospital offers one of these!)

and on and on. Whew, just thinking about this list makes me tired.

*** 2 ***

In other news, we start our Lamaze class this coming week! It’s a 7 week class, 5 weeks covering Lamaze/labor/pain management techniques, one week on breastfeeding, and one week on newborn care. I’m going to bring a big notebook!

Atticus is excited to be involved in the classes too; I think it’ll help him feel more like he is involved in the whole pregnancy process.

*** 3 ***

Tomorrow is Notre Dame vs. Michigan State! We’re planning to watch the game with some friends in town — I’m hoping pizza may factor into the equation at some point. 🙂

I’ve been craving pizza with pineapple, bacon, and goat cheese. You might think that sounds disgusting, but I love it. And I’m the pregnant lady, so I’m right.

*** 4 ***

Last week we got a big bag of tomatillos in our farm delivery.

They cut like tomatoes, but they are more spicy like peppers. I was like, “What am I going to do with these?” Then I found a recipe for a salsa verde which uses a lot of tomatillos — score!

Tonight we are having shredded chicken enchiladas with salsa verde. I’ll post the recipe next week if it turns out well. Speaking of which, next week will be the next installment of “What’s Cooking Wednesday?” — get your recipes ready ladies!

*** 5 ***

Atticus and I are preparing to be co-facilitators for the first weekend of the new marriage prep program at our parish “One in Christ“. I’m so excited about this, I’m planning to do a whole post just on the program next week.

Since Atticus does a lot of reading (it is an estimated 55% of his work), mostly I have been reading the chapters in the facilitator’s text, highlighting, and then sharing with him during our QT in the evenings. There is also a short (5-7 mins.) video that goes with each chapter, so we’ve been watching them together. I don’t want to give too much away before I post on the program, but I can tell that God is using our participation in the program to strengthen our marriage while at the same time we are hoping to help others who are preparing for marriage!

*** 6 ***

When we were at Notre Dame last weekend (so amazing!) I couldn’t resist a trip to the bookstore’s baby section. 🙂

We bought the little shirt pictured below for our girl. The picture is small but it’s the pink one and has the Irish mascot and says “My first Notre Dame Tee”.  Let’s just say it’s a good thing we don’t have unlimited funds, otherwise we would have come home with ten outfits for this little girl!

*** 7 ***

That’s all folks! Have a great weekend!

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