7 Quick Takes Friday — Gratitude Edition

7 Quick Takes Friday — Gratitude Edition November 12, 2010

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 105)

Today’s post is devoted to things I’m grateful for; after all, November is the month of Gratitude right? In addition to these things, I am grateful for Jen for hosting quick takes!

*** 1 ***

Fat-Free Greek Yogurt.

It’s a protein power-house, has no (or low) fat, and less carbs than regular yogurt. Since strawberries aren’t really in season right now, I eat the yogurt with apples, pears, grapes, or raisins usually.  It also keeps me full for a long time. Success!

*** 2 ***

My washer and dryer. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to explain this. Just show you the alternative:


I rest my case. Praise the Lord and pass the dryers sheets!

*** 3 ***

Books. I love books. They are my friends.

Libraries. Places where free book shopping happens. What could be better?

*** 4 ***

My black velour track suit. Yes, call me J-Lo if you must. But it’s comfortable on my 3rd trimester body, and lets me look pretty put together when I pair it with a cute shirt or scarf, and nice flats. Don’t judge.

*** 5 ***

Clean drinking water in three rooms of my house. This fact alone places me in about the most privileged 10% of the world’s population. I only have to take ten steps to get clean water.

*** 6 ***

My wonderful, amazing husband, Atticus.

I love him.

The dog is in the picture is pretty cool too.


*** 7 ***

Last, but certainly not least, the Internets. Without which, none of this would be possible.


What are you grateful for?

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