7 Quick Takes!

7 Quick Takes! March 30, 2012



The Dental Work.

The epic, epic dental work.

3 root canals, 1 crown, and 10 fillings later.



You know what that means?

The 14 months of phase II abstinence are over.

And CD 1 is just around the corner.


I just started this book:

I’m watching season 8 of Biggest Loser on Netflix, and when Abby was introduced and told her story, I burst into sobs immediately.

If you follow BL, you probably remember Abby.

Her husband, 5 year old daughter, and 2 week old son were all killed in the same car crash.


That’s a story you have to read. How someone comes back from that. How does someone come back from that?

I’ll let you know.


This weekend is my SIL’s bridal shower and bachelorette party.

We’re having food from Whole Foods, Flying Cupckaes, and wine.

Then we’re going out on the town.

I even get to stay at hotel downtown with some of the girls.

I’m super excited for a night out. Gosh, I don’t even remember the last time I’ve gone out with girlfriends for drinks and dancing.


If you’re on Facebook, I need you to do two things.

1) Go to the Fumbling Toward Grace page and “like” it, please!

2) Go to the page for a great new website which is launching in May, iusenfp.com

It’s going to be a resource website on all types of NFP, going green, as well as using NFP to help treat medical conditions like PCOS and other disorders.

You can “like” I use NFP on Facebook now and be part of the conversation leading up to the launch.


Those people at PP do not have a monopoly on all things pink, fun, and appealing.

We need to replace this:

Nothing against babies, obviously, but this is not going to cause women to ditch their pills, patches, and potions to consider the possibility of NFP.

This might:

Thanks Katie, for making these awesome buttons.

Speaking of buttons, I’d like to wear this to my doctor’s office:

Can I get an AMEN?


Now I’m off to scrub my kitchen from top to bottom.

Lucky me.

Have a great weekend and stop by Jen‘s for more quick takes!

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