May 31, 2024

Demographer Ryan Burge has found that he percentage of Nones has stopped growing and hasn't grown for the last five years. It is down for young adults. But, tragically, it continues to climb for the elderly. Why is that?

May 31, 2024

“The notion that God is watching you even when others are not is probably the most powerful civilizing force in all of human history.”  Jonah Goldberg, "Suicide of the West."

May 30, 2024

As Christians try to respond to today's cultural challenges, a number of strategies have been put forward, from the Benedict Option to various political programs. Carl Trueman suggests "the traditional pastoral work in an ordinary congregation option.” I expand that to something I call the Vocation Option.

May 29, 2024

There is evidence that the church, while shrinking, is also growing.  That is, the nominal churchgoers, cultural Christians, and modernist theologians have been leaving.  Those who remain and those who are joining, on the other hand,  are true believers and are highly committed to their faith. These include especially younger Christians.

May 28, 2024

FREE POST: This year marks the 90th Anniversary of the Barmen Declaration, the statement of convictions that the Confessing Church of Germany used to defy the pro-Nazi "German Christians" who had taken over the state churches.  In a time when Christians are wrestling with their relationship with the state and are facing the prospect of overt persecution, the Barmen Declaration can give guidance. Read more

May 27, 2024

On this memorial day, we consider:  competing to get into the military; indignation at the pro-family kicker; and Milei's free market reforms in Argentina are working.

May 24, 2024

That the Incarnation began when Christ was "conceived by the Virgin Mary" tells us much about the nature and the value of unborn human life.  As such, it speaks directly to the controversies about abortion.

May 24, 2024

An Anglican church in Wales is offering a church service that only lasts 15 minutes. Other churches in the UK are experimenting with these "micro-services." To be sure, this Monday evening is not replacing the regular service on Sunday morning. Rather, it is an outreach, an attempt to bring in people who don't attend the Sunday service. What do you think of this approach?

May 23, 2024

Brad Littlejohn says that, yes, Americans on the whole tend to be conservative, but only in this sense:  "Many people want to conserve the only status quo that they know." That includes legalized abortion among other issues that used to be considered "liberal."

May 22, 2024

Yesterday we posted about people who do not believe in God but are not atheists.  Today we are posting about atheists who (sort of) believe in Christianity. A look at Richard Dawkin's "cultural Christianity" and Slavoj Žižek's "Christian atheism." And how the ancient apologist Tertullian answers them.

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