What’s right?

What’s right? September 2, 2013

Too often, we define our lives by what’s wrong with us. That limits us, and keeps us negatively focused. Instead, look for the positive things and be sincerely thankful for them.

Consider all the good things in your life—the skills you possess, the knowledge and experience you have accumulated, your connections and relationships with others, and the things you are positively passionate about. These are the good things in your life. Don’t ignore the negative, but don’t let it define you, either. Instead, find ways to make the negative things positive. Turn weaknesses into paths for personal growth. Turn problems into opportunities. Turn mistakes into valuable learning experiences. Appreciate and find value in everything that has come your way.

Gratitude is the cornerstone of abundance. When someone gives you a gift, and you neglect to thank them for it, will they ever give you another? It’s not likely. Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have. You have, within yourself, all the wealth and abundance that you’ll ever need. All you have to do is recognize it and put it to use. And that starts with focusing on the positive.

Focus on the things that are right with your life. Get in touch with them and appreciate them. Find a way to make them a part of your daily life and your work. Find new and creative ways to put them to use. Help them to grow, and they can bring great fulfillment.

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