January 1, 2015

Every single day of your life has been filled with success. Most of those successes are so seemingly ordinary and common that you don’t remember them. Yet they are vital and even miraculous successes nonetheless. Just a moment ago, you successfully took a breath of fresh air. Your heart successfully completed another cycle of pumping blood, filled with oxygen and other nutrients, throughout your body. You successfully started your computer and navigated to this page. Already this day has held... Read more

December 31, 2014

Challenge is a stairway that leads to higher and higher levels of experience. Challenge is the stairway that leads to where you most want to go. Challenge can frighten you. And if you let it, challenge will bring out the best in you. You don’t have to climb the whole stairway in one single giant effort. One step at a time will do just fine. You’ll always be making progress and you’ll absolutely get as high as you choose to... Read more

December 30, 2014

Whatever you seek is already yours, when you’re willing to go deeply enough into it. What does that mean? Here’s an exercise you can do to find out. Think of something you’d like to have in your life, and then ask yourself what you would do with it if you had it. When you have an answer, ask yourself what you would do with that. Keep going, and you’ll eventually reach a point where whatever it is you would do... Read more

December 29, 2014

The most effective way to compete is to ignore the competition. The greatest advantage comes to those who do not seek advantage. When you’re always focused on what the other guy is doing, it takes you away from the best of what you can be doing. When you’re fighting to gain an advantage, you’re ignoring the ultimate advantage that you already possess, which is your own unique perspective. Do you realize how very much you are worth? You have thoughts,... Read more

December 28, 2014

If you feel like quitting, that’s great. It means you’re intensely involved. Go ahead and feel like quitting. Just don’t actually do it. Instead, experience the power in that feeling. That’s your power. With it you can do amazing things. What a waste it would be to walk away from it. Imagine feeling like quitting, and then not quitting. That’s what success feels like. You know that because you’ve done it before. You’ve felt it before. When you feel like... Read more

December 27, 2014

Did someone say something that sort of offends you? So what? That’s their problem. Did someone look at you the wrong way? Who cares? Replace the petty thoughts of anger, jealousy and spite with thoughts of strength. Maybe you didn’t get some kind of recognition you thought you deserved. That could very well be true, but will your resentment, cynicism and desire for revenge be of any positive value to you? No matter what malicious intentions others may have, you... Read more

December 26, 2014

Stick your hand out the car window when you’re parked, and you’ll hardly even notice the difference between the inside and the outside of the vehicle. Stick your hand out the window when the car is doing 75 miles an hour on the interstate, and you won’t be able to get it out very far, or keep it out for very long. What’s the difference? When you’re moving fast, the resistance is much, much greater. Are your efforts meeting with... Read more

December 25, 2014

No matter where you desire to go in life, you must have a starting point from which you can proceed. On any given day, everyone has a starting point. Yet too often you may not be willing to see or acknowledge your own starting point, and consequently you’ll have trouble making progress toward your goals. It is a sad irony that your very unwillingness to acknowledge unpleasant circumstances can help to keep you stuck in those circumstances. Acceptance will enable... Read more

December 24, 2014

1. You’re in control You are in control of your thoughts and your actions. That makes you effective in whatever you set out to achieve. Every thought is a result of a choice you have made. Every action you take is under your control. You are in command of a creative, productive and effective masterpiece of engineering – YOU. What if there was someone, sincerely acting in your best interest, who had a remote control device that guided all your... Read more

December 23, 2014

Have you ever noticed that life is best at those times when it is the most challenging. A quick look back will confirm that the most fondly remembered and valuable experiences also had some kind of significant challenges associated with them. Why is that? Because it is your very nature to overcome challenges. You are exquisitely equipped to thrive on the challenges. In fact, ever since the moment you were born you have been successfully dealing with challenges ranging from... Read more

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