The Risk of Relationship

The Risk of Relationship January 30, 2013

A follow-up to yesterday’s discussion re: “Moral Compromise.”  We are talking about the beginnings of transformation. The sharing of real stories, real relationships; engaging open discourse and genuine interest in those we mark as ‘other.’  Time and again we find that once an ‘opinion’ or an ‘issue’ becomes about a real live person, everything changes.

That truth goes both ways. Always.

There is still a long way to go down the road to equality and inclusion of LGBT folks, in all segments of public life. Even so, I am grateful today for two more real live people,  willing to take the risk of relationship. If you haven’t read the story of Shane Windmeyer–the gay rights activist who became friends with Dan Cathy–take a minute and treat yourself to a refreshing glimpse of humanity.

“It is not often that people with deeply held and completely opposing viewpoints actually risk sitting down and listening to one another.  We see this failure to listen and learn in our government, in our communities and in our own families.  Dan Cathy and I would, together, try to do better than each of us had experienced before.”

The risk of relationship is a spiritual discipline and a sacred calling. May we all try to “do better” than any of us have experienced before. It is the hope of the Church, the hope of the world, and the hope for the kingdom that might yet take shape in our time.


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