In the Age of “Alternative Facts,” Truth Telling is an Act of Resistance

In the Age of “Alternative Facts,” Truth Telling is an Act of Resistance January 25, 2017

Our new President has been busy. His tiny hands must be tired from signing all those executive orders.

First there was the action affecting women’s reproductive rights on a global scale–which he signed, surrounded by a covey of white men, creating the most nauseating photo opp since that pic of the Trump family in the golden tower. (You know the one, with the giant lion thing? What even IS that??) In the same swipe of the pen, he rolled back regulations of the ACA and withdrew us from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He has also resurrected the Keystone and Dakota pipeline projects–in which he appears to have vast (VAST) conflicts of interest. All in all, his first few days in office yielded ten executive orders.

Meanwhile, he created a smoke and mirrors conspiracy with allegations of wide-spread voter fraud–in an election that he won. While you’re still trying to process what all that means, he is starting on the wall. And making good on that promise to ban Muslim refugees from entering the country. And somewhere in the middle of all that–while the freight train is going by so loud and so fast you can scarcely hear yourself think–he issues a gag order against the EPA.

Let’s repeat that one, because it sounds like the beginning of an Orwell or Stephen King novel and not real life: the new President just banned actual government scientists from sharing information with the public. 

If it all seems overwhelming, that is intentional. This is a tactical maneuver on the part of the new administration. While you’re still drowning in despair over the most recent outrage, they initiate another one. And another, and another. There is no time to process, organize, or craft a communal response. It is on to the next sweeping change, roll-back and regulation. All the while, he casts doubt on the press. He writes off all opposition as “fake news” from the “liberal media,” and pads every reality with this new thing called “Alternative facts.”

There’s another word for that: propaganda. And of all the concerning developments of the past few days, this is the darkest prospect of all–that he can so quickly and effectively threaten a cornerstone of democracy, one so sacred it is even written into the Constitution. Not only has he worked to silence legitimate news sources, he has cast doubt among his followers about the credibility of anything those outlets produce. Now, moving forward, his administration can literally get away with murder, because even the worst possible outcomes will be presented as “fake news,” or “spin;” and we, the people, will have to sift through a mountain of “alternative facts” to find some semblance of reality. By then, we’ll be too exhausted to push back.

This is democracy dies. Not with a bang, but a whimper. truth-166853_640

So, how to resist? Do we rush to defend women’s rights, or stave off a vast wave of deportations? Protect the National Parks, or stop the pipeline? Speak out against the privatization of our public schools, or address the repeal of the Affordable Care Act? It’s nearly impossible to know where to start.

Again, remember–that is their goal. Overwhelm the opposition with the sheer volume of actionable items, and there is no time for response or engagement. No window for imposing the checks and balances of democracy. So here’s my takeaway, for the moment: Resistance in any one of these areas is dependent on the fierce protection of the truth.

The real enemy at work here is the overarching war on true and nuanced stories. Already Trump has begun limiting the access of certain press outlets, tightly controlling what questions can be asked, and shouting down any challengers. This blitzing of witnesses is what we’re really up against, and it is bigger than any one issue.

In this new normal of “alternative facts,” telling the truth is the first order of resistance.

When President Trump issued the decree (let’s just call it what it is) banning the Department of the Interior from posting on social media, Badlands National Park went rogue. They posted a bunch of PESKY FACTS about the environment on the park’s Twitter feed. They managed to get out 4 Tweets before their account was taken down, but those Tweets were captured and shared far and wide. 170124180426-badlands-twitter-large-169

Since the account went dark, another one has appeared in its place… The new account, AltUSNatParkSer, is presumably run by National Parks employees on their own time. They have gathered more than half a million followers in less than 24 hours.


The truth can be a powerful form of defense. Especially when misinformation is your opponent’s greatest weapon.

There are many ways to put that truthful resistance into practice. For instance: share news from reliable sources on social media, and push back with fact checks when you see something that really is “fake news.” This approach is neither perfect nor comprehensive, but it is a start. Say what is true, even to people who won’t hear it; stay informed, stay engaged, and diversify your sources of information–this is the best way to discern what is actual news and what is…other stuff.

Along those same lines, try not to limit your circles to like-minded people. This temptation is a real liability of the current administration’s communication style, to drive us into even tighter corners of isolation. Put yourself in the presence of other voices; continue to share life and meals and parenting and neighboring with a wide range of people, even if you don’t agree politically. Respectfully disagree when you must, but try to maintain relationships that will overcome the general villainizing of ‘those people.’

Then, call your Representatives and speak truth to power. You could spend hours crafting the perfect STRONGLY WORDED EMAIL detailing all of your concerns, but that would not go as far as a 30-second convo with the intern who answers the phone. Better yet–show up in person. Many local groups (official and otherwise) are planning weekly and monthly gatherings for leaders to engage the community. You do not have to quit your day job to get politically active. Just show up.

For your act of resistance today, follow those AltPark people on Twitter; or support and empower others who say what is true, by whatever means available to them. And tomorrow… well, what about tomorrow? How are you going to speak the truth? Get creative, and let us know what you’re doing in your community to work for a future based in reality and accountability. We’ll amplify your voice as well.

Because the truth creates a wall of resistance…stronger than anything built on “alternative facts.”

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