July 22, 2015

In his July 17 Facebook post, Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, spewed unhinged hatred and bigotry against American Muslims. Writing his response to the Chattanooga shooting, Graham used language that can only succeed in radicalizing Americans: We are under attack by Muslims at home and abroad. We should stop all immigration of Muslims to the U.S. until this threat with Islam has been settled. Every Muslim that comes into this country has the potential to... Read more

July 22, 2015

By Haris Raja The recent Chattanooga shootings sparked the same debate that gets started every time the alleged perpetrator happens to be a Muslim. Islamophobes pounce on it like a drooling dog jumps on a bone. While the rest of the nation is deeply pained by such a horrible tragedy and is offering condolences to the afflicted families, Islamophobes are busy accusing Islam of violence and bloodshed. The notion that Muslim youth are being radicalized because of the violent teachings of Islam... Read more

July 18, 2015

By Haris Raja My friend’s daughter spent her 7th birthday in a unique way. Unlike other kids her age who want to decorate their house with balloons, order a giant birthday cake, invite all their friends and expect a lot of presents, she decided to do it differently. There was no party planned at her house that day. Instead she took 7 brand new toys (because she turned 7) and gave them to the patient’s at the Children’s hospital. She... Read more

July 15, 2015

By Seidu Malik The existence of God in the modern day world has become a hotly contested debate. While it is true that no one can offer any objective evidence of ever seeing God, it is also not the first time that people have demanded to see God or have doubt in the existence of God. In fact, both the Bible and the Quran tell us that despite the numerous Signs shown by God to the Israelites during the time of Moses, they still demanded to... Read more

July 7, 2015

By Saliha Malik I am a woman, a westerner, and a convert to Islam. But—as I’m often asked nowadays—to which version of Islam? This is an important question as news media floods our timelines with reports of Muslim women in the west joining the terrorist group known as ISIS. Indeed, ISIS has recruited thousands of Muslim men and women to allegedly fight for the “cause of Islam.” Last week in Bradford, UK, three British Muslim Women and their nine children fell victim... Read more

July 7, 2015

By Abdul Latif Bennett I was piqued by Zeba Khan’s recent piece, American Muslims Have a Race Problem, in which she argues that Muslims in America are mired in prejudice against each other.  She particularly wrote how African-Americans are treated as second-class citizens. As an African-American Muslim, I well understand the issue she has raised. I could write a book on the many forms of racism I’ve faced. I was born and went to college in Alabama and I lived in Johannesburg... Read more

June 18, 2015

By  Rasheed Reno Recently there has been a pastor in Northern Idaho who has been outspoken in his criticism of Islam. Pastor Shahram Hadian is an Iranian convert to Christianity and claims to have a knowledge of Islam that others do not have as a former Muslim.  However, what ​Pastor Hadian in Sandpoint claims is Islam is simply his own imagination.​ I accepted Islam because I found it theologically satisfying, inclusive, and not ​in ​conflict with science. I was originally... Read more

June 18, 2015

By  Saima Shiekh Thursday, June 18, 2015 marks the start of the holy month of Ramadan. Today, Muslims all over the world are observing the fast during Ramadan but fasting is not invented by Muslims but is an age old tradition observed by other religions as well. Fasting is mentioned in the Bible, the Old Testament and the New Testament as well as Mahabhatara (Hindu Holy Book).  In Judaism, fasting is observed in several annual days, primarily on days of penitence (such... Read more

June 4, 2015

By  Haris Raja Pamela Geller has drawn some outrageous conclusions about Islam and Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in response to an article by a member of that community. I have pointed out some factual inconsistencies of Ms. Geller’s statements. I am exclusively submitting this piece for your consideration for publication. I am a member of Muslim Writers Guild of America and my work has previously been published in major national newspapers. Pamela Geller’s recent response to an article written by Qasim Rashid, a member of... Read more

June 4, 2015

By  Saima Sheikh The long awaited Supreme Court decision on ‘Hijab’ in the workplace came on Monday, June 1, 2015. In 2008 at the age of 17, Samantha Elauf applied for a job at Abercrombie and Fitch but was denied employment due to the fact that she wore a hijab. She filed a suit against this discrimination. The United States Supreme court voted 8-1 in favor of the plaintiff, Samantha Elauf.  “An employer may not make an applicant’s religious practice,... Read more

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