That Perpetually Lost and Confused Feeling is not a Bug, it’s a Feature

That Perpetually Lost and Confused Feeling is not a Bug, it’s a Feature May 16, 2015

The headline sets aside the question of pre-Fall living, which none of us are doing.  It’s the 16th of the month, which means I’m pre-prayed.  Naturally I completely forgot and re-prayed this morning, which you’re allowed to do.  I can’t remember what thoughts I had this morning, but here’s where my thinking went last time I reflected on today’s Gospel:

Lord, I don’t understand everything. I’m struggling with difficulties that are leaving me feeling completely lost and maybe even abandoned. Help me to trust in You, and trust that You will show me what I need to know when I need to know it. Thank You. Amen. 

You can read my entire analysis of this morning’s Gospel at, where I talk about the way our understanding of life, God, and everything else unfolds slowly over time and not always very gracefully.  You can get the whole year’s worth of pre-prayed thoughts here.

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