I’m Finally With Her: Hillary Clinton Is My Candidate

I’m Finally With Her: Hillary Clinton Is My Candidate August 30, 2016

I am loathe to do this, really. I don’t like talking about politics because no matter how informed I am, I never really feel informed enough to have a thoroughly intelligent conversation. That’s not to say I don’t have opinions (anyone who knows me would laugh at the thought of me not having an opinion) but rather that I’m alarmingly aware of how my opinion might be very wrong.


Except in this case.


And it’s not just about Not Donald Drumpf Ever. Well, okay, it’s a lot about that. There is absolutely no way that I want that man in the White House, for all the reasons I’ve stated before. He is a racist, misogynistic, narcissist who has no political experience whatsoever. While this may seem appealing, his complete lack of self-control and diplomacy makes him a dangerous contingency when it comes to international affairs. No way I want that guy near a nuclear button, or dealing with a tense international diplomacy issue.


I can’t help but notice, too, that when he’s not spewing his hateful rhetoric, for all his talking and tweeting, he never really says much of import. He throws around a lot of words like, “I’m terrific!” or “Everybody thinks so!” or “It’s going to be big, people are saying this!”


What the fuck does any of that even mean?


I’m not just skeptical but actually disgusted by certain members of the religious right to jump on the tiniest little indication that he may be a Christian and therefore encourage Christian voters that he’s the right choice. When pretty much every action he’s ever taken demonstrates otherwise, judging that fruit gets pretty easy, because it’s pretty rotten.


But all that aside, the fact remains that Hillary Clinton — separate and apart from Drumpf’s complete inadequacy — is eminently qualified for the job. She has the political experience to back her up, an impressive track record, and serious skill. The fact that she also has a vagina might terrify some of you, and get you all in a tizzy about emails and conspiracy theories, but the fact remains that if you saw her resume with no gender attached to it, you’d be pretty impressed.


So, here are my reasons for officially coming out as a Hillary supporter. Read on to understand my thoughts on issues like Benghazi, the email bonanza, the murder conspiracy and, last but not least, reproductive issues (God helps us all).

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