December 12, 2006

Dear Matt, I too was watching the news show when Elie Wiesel, speaking of the Iranian leader, said he should be “excommunicated from humanity.” Wiesel’s words, regardless of how much I’ve learned from him and admire him, struck me as harsh too. You say that you were with a friend and she thought it was wrong for Wiesel to talk like that, and that you thought you agreed with her, but the longer you talked the “more muddled we both... Read more

December 12, 2006

I’ve gotten enough reminders from folks that I thought I’d post what we are doing on the radio this week. |inline Read more

December 12, 2006

If memory has the capacity to heal us if we remember truthfully and remember in light of what God is doing in this world, then reminding God of our condition is a way both to discover who we are and what is going on. So, the psalmist, though he has already done this, reminds God of his condition: |inline Read more

December 11, 2006

Sarah Sumner’s Men and Women in the Church, chps 17-20, discuss the most controversial — according to all — and significant — according to some — text in the entire NT when it comes to the “role” of women in the Church. So, let me quote the whole text from 1 Timothy chp 2 and then offer summaries of her discussions. |inline Read more

December 11, 2006

The Jesus Creed not only reshaped my perception of spiritual formation, it also reshaped our life. I spent very little time traveling and speaking prior to Jesus Creed, but we can’t express the joy it has been for us to get to travel to churches all over the USA to speak now that churches have discovered Jesus Creed and Embracing Grace. Yesterday Kris and I traveled down to Olympia Fields, IL, to speak at The Emmaus Community (of hospitality). |inline Read more

December 11, 2006

Psalm 119:49 is the kind of hope we find in all those who long for redemption, who long for God to make God’s glory present, and who yearn for justice. In fact, people like Mary and Simeon and Anna — from Luke’s first two chps — are the kind for whom this prayer is so characteristic. Here it is: |inline Read more

December 10, 2006

A Magnificat kind of Christmas, which understands Christmas as about God’s acts to redeem through the incarnation, is also about the poor. Here are the words of the Magnificat, and I’d like you to observe words connected to poverty and the ending of the injustice of poverty: |inline Read more

December 10, 2006

Second Sunday of Advent Today we relight the candle of HOPE. |inline Read more

December 10, 2006

Saturday morning’s psalm in The Divine Hours is my prayer for the week: |inline Read more

December 10, 2006

For Becky, who has had more than her share of physical problems — we pray for doctors, for her, for her family, and for her thyroid. Lord, hear our prayers. For Kurt’s wife, for Kurt, for their family and friends. Lord, hear our prayers. For students … as they study for exams and as they travel home. We pray for safety. Lord, hear our prayers. Read more

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