A 7-4 Spring Break

A 7-4 Spring Break March 16, 2007

Yep, my Spring Break this week was a 7-4 Spring Break. When my students were wallowing in sand in Florida or some place more exotic, I was at home. In Chicago. The snow melted early in the week with temps in the 70s, and now we’ve turned north in our weather. It feels like Minnie-sooooooda. It’s 35 degrees as I write this. Sure, it’s sunny and we’ve got a blue sky, but it’s 35 degrees. Spring Break. So, what does 7-4 mean?

At the computer and desk from 7am to 4pm, nose to the grindstone, reading, researching, and writing on fasting. I did have a nice breakfast with one local pastor on Thursday morning, and it was a very good time.
Now the total truth: I loved it. A whole week with an intentionally open schedule and a nice project that I’m really enjoying.
In past years, Kris and I have had the same Spring break week (she works at Wheaton College, and I at North Park) and so we took a week of vacation somewhere south. But this year our breaks were not the same, so we stayed home here in Chicagoland and I got to study and write.
Hidden truth: On days I’m at home writing on fasting, I don’t have lunch — too much ambivalence to be reading and writing and thinking about fasting and then to spend lunch thinking about fasting while eating. If I had a two-month Spring Break for this book, I’d shrivel up to nothing and they’d find me in a little wad at the corner of my study.

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