Depth of Spirit

Depth of Spirit June 19, 2008

Gordon Macdonald, upon a trip to South Africa to speak, was met by Trevor Hudson. Gordon said this of Trevor: “I quickly learned I was teaming up with a man younger in years but older in spiritual maturity.” I, too, met Trevor and I felt the same way. The words that he evoked in me were “sensitive” and “healing.” If there was anything I regret about our wondrous trip to South Africa, it was that we had only a few hours with Trevor (and with him Tom Smith). Well, Trevor has a book I want to commend to you:

It is called Christ-Following.
Seemingly out of the blue, Trevor suggested I needed more about “healing” in my Jesus Creed book. He’s not given to telling others what to do, so when he said this I thought, “Well, I do have a chp.” His point was deeper: the image of “healing” is big enough to carry the entirety of what Jesus was doing. “OK,” I’m thinking; “I see your point.” Then he began to describe prayer and healing and wounds and compassion at his church in Benoni. We had lunch and both of us were on our way — and the word “healing” never left my mind.
The book … yes, it’s a great primer for those who need an introduction to the Christian life; yes, it covers the basics. But, but, but … it has a refreshing angle to each topic; it does not quote the usual suspects; and it gives clear, compelling stories at every turn. You can savor his sentences.
The book does not try to cover everything. One could call it wise words about the way of Jesus. He discusses our image of God, the importance of having a Christian memory, the kingdom of God, conversion, belonging to the family of God, loving those closest to us, discovering God’s call for our lives, practicing the presence of God, and growing into Christlikeness.
The book strikes the right balance between the individual and the fellowship. I hope someone will pick this book up and republish it in the USA. It deserves to be in print … for a long time.
I was honored that Trevor gave us a copy of the South Africa edition. He said this on the title page: “with gratitude for your blogging ministry in my life.”

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