Prayer Coach

Prayer Coach February 18, 2009

Nicodem.jpgJames Nicodem, pastor at Christ Community Church in St. Charles Illinois, gives the church a gift in his book about learning to pray: Prayer Coach: For All Who Want to Get Off the Bench and onto the Praying Field


A few words come to mind when I think of this book: it is practical, it is encouraging, it is manly, and it is honest.

Practical: I know I’ve not seen any books that give so many concrete, practical steps to take to become more disciplined in prayer. He talks about patterns and promptings and passion, and he talks about “CHAT”: confess, honor, ask, and thank. he talks about those who will benefit from prayer.

Encouraging: Nicodem doesn’t come out swinging at Christians for their lack of praying or their ignorance about praying. Instead, he somehow has the skill at getting next to you and putting his arm around you and encouraging you to pray and to get into some solid prayer habits.

Manly: Nicodem’s book can be benefited by anyone, but it is one of very few books that can be used by men’s groups. It’s not for men, but does have some men’s concerns throughout. Let me say it again: anyone can benefit from this book.

Honest: Prayer Coach tells the truth. Prayer is hard; you will not always keep to your sacred habits; you can flub up; you may forget … and he acknowledges this sort of thing and encourages you to move forward.

Two points: I’d like to have seen more about the Psalms and more from prayer books.

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