A Letter

A Letter April 1, 2009

Here is a letter about a subject that we believe will become much more of an issue in evangelical churches in the next decade. I am soliciting your responses today (civility must obtain) and tomorrow I have a guest response from Andrew Marin, who has a book coming out very soon from IVP on homosexuality. (I’ll be posting about it late April or early May.) On this letter: Would you deal with this person privately? Do you have a policy in place for these issues? Do you think a policy is needed or necessary or even wise? What would you do?

Dear Scot,

We have a college student on our worship team who has been struggling with issues of homosexuality.  He had voluntarily removed himself from the team last year due to this issue.  He has since come to the conclusion that homosexual unions are acceptable to God, not sex outside a civil union, but within a union. 

He currently has a boyfriend, although he is not sexually active. He believes he is “right with God” and wishes to rejoin the team, with the understanding that should he cross the line and become sexually active outside of a civil union, he will no longer be eligible to be on the team.

As the worship leader, the decision lies in my hands.  I do not want to condone the theology that God is accepting of homosexual unions or acts.  I would appreciate some advice as to how to handle this situation.
What do you think?

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