“I Believe!” (by PW)

“I Believe!” (by PW) April 13, 2009

Some days a pastor’s spouse is given privileged access to the faith of God’s people. I take seriously the mystery of walking among God’s people.

One Easter, during the commotion of people entering and leaving the church, picking up their children, chatting with their acquaintances, etc., I greeted and met the eyes of someone. I could tell she wanted to tell me something. She didn’t wait for the normal pleasantries of saying hello. She walked up to me and said, “I believe!”  There was fire in her soul. There was unmistakable meaning in every syllable. Easter clicked for her.
I thought about what I was witnessed to hear: this must have been some of what it was like for the women to quietly approach the tomb and be shocked with belief, knowledge, truth and mystery all at once. To be the first one to know of someone’s belief has been one of those true moments of privilege.

Have there been moments like that for you? What have you heard or seen that probably no one else but you have shared because you are the ministry spouse?

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