Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings April 18, 2009
Chicago’s own!

Wrigley.jpgDoes NYC have this? Does LA? Chicago does! (HT: PK-C)

Blog by one of our students. Worth your reading. A story about another of our students.

BotheDog.jpgA very good reminder: know before you tweet. Tweet humor with Tamara.
On resurrection: check out this set of reflections by Andrew Perriman.
Should Christians participate in Passover seders?
1/3d of your salary not to show up to work for one year?! If you’re lucky! Did you see Owen Youngman‘s Mene Mene Tekel Parsin (I say “Upharsin”)?
DG Hart on Andy Crouch‘s culture-making proposals. (HT: CS)   Elmer Martens is always wise, and his reflections on Isa 53 as a hospital is suggestive. (HT: BY) 99 videos internet folks have seen, or should have seen. (HT: GD) A variety of reflections on the pope’s recent apology.

All the more reason to work on inviting prose. All the more reason to read blogs.

I’d love to see a big discussion about Dan Kirk’s question. Let’s be civil — good words from Ted. TSK weighs in the Christian Book Expo in Dallas. Tony and Kevin have continued their debates. Dan Reid invites you to read John D’Elia’s bio of George Ladd. Bob Robinson‘s got some very solid observations about Neo-Calvinism and the like.

A very important blog series is now underway at JR Woodward’s site. Thoughtful piece by Mark Batterson. Will it be missional, attractional or…? See Wade Hodges. Speaking of missional, check out Brett McCracken’s piece.

Michael Kruse has been helpful to so many of us, so let’s all wander over here and give him some help. The same goes for John Stackhouse.

CoupleChild.jpg1. Should schools cease providing e-mail (.edu) accounts for students?
2. When couples have the first child, the “happiness” score goes down. Is this a telling number about how many understand happiness?
3. Student loans and the government.
4. Droopy pants controversy has returned.
5. The quest for the historical hipster? (HT: MV)
6. Virtual family — we love iChat because we can see Aksel often.
7. What one can do with “peeps“.
8. Downside of Twitter. Upside of Twitter.
9. Gun control — a topic in need of a nation.
10. Fr. Martin’s excellent reflections on the Scottish singer famous now on “Britain’s Got Talent.”
11. Marketing hot buttons. Wow, these folks think this kind of thing all the way to the end. Men are more involved.


Congrats to Angel Cabrera for winning The Masters, our sympathy for Kenny Perry, and our expectation that Tiger’s and Phil’s duel throughout the last day of the Master bodes well for the summer.

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