Hillary Clinton on Internet Freedom

Hillary Clinton on Internet Freedom February 15, 2011

What would you advise Hillary Clinton to say?

From WaPo:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to deliver a “major policy address” today about Internet freedom.

According to the Associated Press, Clinton will warn that governments if you repress citizens online, you do so at your own risk.

Clinton’s speech comes at a sensitive time for North African and Middle Eastern countries that are struggling to contain protests inspired by revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia.

What do you think Clinton should say? Do you view Internet freedom as a human right? Some argue that without social media protesters would not have been successful.

When Egypt pulled the plug on Internet access, the Post’s Monica Hesse examined a question that “on its face, sounds ludicrous”:

“…It’s not the loss of Flickr pages and Tumblogs and Sad Keanus that constitutes human rights abuse. Not really…The chilling aspect of an Internet clampdown is the assumption that lies behind it: If you will not let your people tweet, what else will you not let them do?

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