The Pastor and Politics

The Pastor and Politics October 25, 2012

From Mark Stevens:

Upon reading this I was reminded of why it is not my job as a pastor to become embroiled in politics or political issues; at least not in an activist sense. My role as a pastor is to proclaim Christ and him crucified. To invite people, powerful and weak, rich and poor to this table. Ironically this table is a political statement. It says that Jesus is Lord and the rulers of this world are not. This stable stands, feeble and weak in the midst of corrupted powers as the one true hope for the world. While politicians try to convince us of change we can believe in this table has affected the one true change this world really needs.

But this is not just true of me as a pastor – it is also true for each one of us (although I do think people are free to have and express their political opinions). We are not defined by our politics. We are defined by this table and the events and truths that it reminds us of. As we come to the table this morning let us remember that Jesus cares little for our political opinions or affiliation. He takes us as we are. This table is the one true place we find equality and peace. All because Jesus was crucified, buried and on the third day rose again! Imagine what the wold would like if we lived as if the resurrection did actually change everything!

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