What’s So Hard about Grading?

What’s So Hard about Grading? January 14, 2013

From John Tierney:

Teachers: What’s the hardest element of grading for you?

I know that some teachers actually enjoy grading. They say they find it interesting to see what their students have learned and how they’re doing. I admire that attitude. And it’s certainly true that there is the positive feeling that comes from the occasional observation of student improvement, from either increased effort or better understanding of the material. But apart from that, I was never able to get myself into the frame of mind where I could find grading bearable, much less enjoy it. Why not? Multiple factors and worries contributed to the pain:The sheer drudgery and tedium.

Concerns about whether our tests gauge what students know.

Concerns about whether we’re testing what’s worth knowing.

Concerns about what to weigh in making judgments.

Concerns about equity and fairness.

Concerns about comparability of our evaluations.

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