Church of the Redeemer: Thanks

Church of the Redeemer: Thanks April 26, 2015

A_Fellowship_of_DifferentsAs some of you know, my new book A Fellowship of Differents is dedicated to our local fellowship, the Church of the Redeemer, and our two leaders and their spouses (Jay and Susan Greener, Amanda Holm and Erik Rosengren),

Today, after our worship time, Church of the Redeemer very generously provided copies of the book for a splendidly reduced price and so we had a book signing that led to some stimulating conversations.

Time has shown that there’s quite the diversity at Church of the Redeemer and it becomes more obviouis the deeper we come to know one another. But we are learning to transcend our differences to become a fellowship of differents.

Here’s an example: our home for a number of years has been a vacant Lutheran church in Highland Park but another church decided to buy the entire property so we are looking for a home. Jay announced recently that when the facility finding committee first met there was considerable difference, but when the recently took a vote on two different issues — a temporary home and a more permanent home (on which we are going to make an offer) — the committee was unanimous. Anyone involved in such matters knows decisions like this can cause serious divisions in a church.

Young and older, men and women, wealthy and not so wealthy, white and black … I could go on … we are learning at the Church of the Redeemer that what unites us is far deeper than our differences as we seek to become a fellowship of differents.

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