Proof People Get Stoned at Work

Proof People Get Stoned at Work February 7, 2009

Here’s an email I recently received:

Dear John:

The other day a co-worker of mine suggested that he and I “smoke a doobie” together before going into work. I was appalled at the suggestion, and opined that no one in the world ever worked at their job while high on marijuana or anything else. To this my friend laughed so hard it took about two minutes before he was finally able to ask me what planet I was from. So my question to you is: Do people ever work at their jobs while they’re stoned? I say they don’t—but will defer to your expert opinion.


Doubting Friend of [name deleted in case future potential employer ever Googles name]

Dear Doubting Friend of [name deleted in case future potential employer ever Googles name]:

Opined”? Sweet! But to the point: I, too, used to believe that no one would dare to work while stoned. But that illusion was shattered for me just recently, when I opened up my brand new food processor to find connected to its electrical chord the tag below. If this doesn’t say, “Oh, no, dude! We’ve totally been at lunch too long! Do you have the Visine?!”, I don’t know what does.






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