Yoga pants in public

Yoga pants in public January 30, 2014


Walking to our car after our yoga class last night, my wife and I were chatting about women generally, and her in particular, wearing yoga pants in public.

Once in our car, after a long moment of silence, she said, “So here’s the bottom line. If a woman wears yoga pants in public, she’s being either way too sexy, or way too gross.”

“Well, I don’t know if those are the only two choices,” I said.

“Yes, they are,” she said. “Women can’t wear the most comfortable pants ever, because if they do, every man who sees them will immediately want to do one of two things: masturbate or vomit.”

I cracked up so hard I couldn’t even start the car.

“Yeah,” she said. “I’ll let you know when that’s funny.”

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