Planned Parenthood – What Christians Can Do To Make A Difference

Planned Parenthood – What Christians Can Do To Make A Difference July 21, 2015

A second Planned Parenthood video was released this morning, highlighting once again the corruption of Planned Parenthood, and the lengths they’ll go to make a dollar.


In this video, investigators posing as a Fetal Tissue Procurement Company met with the President of the Planned Parenthood Medical Directors’ Council, Dr. Mary Gatter. Like the first video, the sting operation occurs over lunch as Dr. Gatter is sipping on iced tea and haggling prices for aborted baby tissue. 

“I want a Lamborghini.”

Dr. Gatter declared as she was discussing compensation for the body parts and tissue from the aborted babies.

Since the release of the first headlining video, members of Congress have delivered floor speeches (Senator Lankford’s is the best I’ve seen), Pro-Life groups have raised their voices, and Christians across the nation have been left breathless at the atrocities taking part in our own nation.

What can we do?” is a question asked by thousand who want to make a difference in the lives of these unborn babies. It can be easy to feel helpless, especially when seeking to end legalized abortion feels like an impossible mountain to climb. You might be thinking, “I’m just one person, what can I do to make a difference.”

Here are four ways you can make a difference. 

1) Pray

This is by far the most important thing Christians can do! God hears the cries of His children.

“The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.” – Proverbs 15:29

May we be a people who deeply care about the things close to the Father’s heart.

– We must pray for the lives of these little babies.

– We must pray that the hearts of the abortionists are changed.

– We must pray for the women who choose to have abortions.

– We must pray.

2) Get Involved With Your Local Pregnancy Center

Personally, I devote regular time to volunteering at the pregnancy center on Capitol Hill, where I live. Being involved with the local pregnancy center, I cannot emphasis how important their work is. They are literally in the business of saving lives of babies, and supporting and loving women. Donate your time, your money, your resources, etc. Support the work that pregnancy centers are doing. Centers typically operate on a shoestring budget and are understaffed. Call your local center and ask what their biggest need is, and then seek to fill it.


3) Adopt

This is a soapbox of mine since I’m adopted, but one of the ways we can demonstrate that we’re pro-life is to adopt the little babies that women and planned parenthood want to abort. Become a voice that not only wants to save the lives of these little babies, but also wants to care for them, welcome them into your home, and raise them. Even if you personally don’t feel called to adopt, you can still be involved in adoptions by helping couples desiring to adopt with finances, babysitting once a couple has adopted, or offering your emotional support

4) Speak with Love

Yes, our hearts are outraged that anyone would even conceive of selling the body parts/tissue of an aborted baby. It is barbaric. It is wrong. It is disgusting. But we cannot have theses conversations without love. We must be winsome and loving when we speak about Planned Parenthood, abortions, etc. Our message is “winning”, but the messengers must be articulate and kind. 


“Great indeed are our opportunities; great also is our responsibility.”

William Wilberforce



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