Brittany Maynard Revisited: Looks Like She’s Still Got Dying on Her Mind

Brittany Maynard Revisited: Looks Like She’s Still Got Dying on Her Mind October 30, 2014

Sadly, it appears that I spoke too soon yesterday
when I told you that Brittany Maynard didn’t want to die.

What Brittany meant to say was that she didn’t want to die on Saturday.  But dying– Well, yes, she’s still got that very much in mind.

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The terminal cancer patient released a new video Wednesday night, explaining that

“I still feel good enough, and I still have enough joy, and I still laugh and smile with my family and friends enough that it doesn’t seem like the right time.  Right now.  But, it will come because I feel myself getting sicker. It’s happening each week.”  

Apparently, though, Brittany is still intent on taking her own life before her weakened state makes it difficult to perform daily activities.  She wants to enjoy her life while she can, but still believes that she should say her goodbyes before things get too difficult.  “The worst thing that could happen to me,” she said, “is that I wait too long because I’m trying to seize each day.” 

Us Magazine, the periodical for the hopelessly self-absorbed, quoted Brittany:

“Most recently, my most terrifying set of seizures was about a week or so ago. I had two in a day, which was unusual, and I remember looking at my husband’s face at one point thinking, ‘I know this is my husband and I can’t say his name.'”

Brittany’s stated goal is “for all terminally ill Americans to have the choice to die with dignity.”  My prayer for Brittany is that she might find the peace and the joy that can come with choosing Life–even in the face of adversity.

So here’s what we’ve gotta do, gang:  We’ve got to join in fervent prayer, all of us, that God will show Brittany Maynard something of His divine love, help her to understand His divine plan.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard her heart and her mind in Christ Jesus.

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