Small Success Thursday: Attitude of Gratitude

Small Success Thursday: Attitude of Gratitude November 14, 2013

Thursday is really one of my favorite days. In my life, “weekend” doesn’t really exist since I’m married to an ER doctor. “Saturday” is whatever day he has off, even if it’s Tuesday.

But Thursday is different this year. Along with my early wakeup call to join my friends at the Son Rise Morning Show with Brian Patrick as a technology contributor, I rush to church to join my “sisters in Christ” at my prayer group. This is something new for me this year — since it’s my first year as an empty nester, morning time no longer means waking up slumbering teens and getting them off to school.

In a short time, I’ve grown to love my group. And praying with them never ceases to remind me of how blessed I am. So when I came home today and spied the title for Sherry Antonetti’s “Small Success” post at, I had to giggle. In it, she shares:

Counting the blessings: forcing myself to stop and count the blessings.  This is why Small Success Thursday matters so much for me personally.  I can easily count the non-blessings and the trials, and it drowns the spirit in trivial pain, death by dust bunnies, bills, errands, and splinters.

So I need to count the blessings as a protest against the sharper edges and wear-and-tear of everyday life.   It is an act of defiance, not in the league of the woman who named her child Joy, but a step closer to her type of faith life, and farther from the not so pleasant person I could be if I stay steeped in the and and and pile of living.  I need the both and.

So here are the little blessings/successes I’m praising God for this week:

  1. This is actually a biggie, but I’m thanking God for leading me to a big decision to finally ask for some help. You can read all about that here. Best.Choice.Ever! In short, let me just say that “knowing when to say when” is less humiliating than it is liberating. Please pray that I will have the financial resources to continue with this blessing.
  2. I had a great chat with my friend Hugh Macken on his Blog Talk Radio program. We chatted about my trip to Rwanda — you can listen to a recording of that here.
  3. Finally, and probably most importantly, Greg and I worked as a team to confront an issue that arose. Not that we don’t usually do that, but in this situation there was the potential for tremendous stress. In this case, that didn’t happen. For that, I am grateful to the source of all that is good!

Now it’s your turn! Go to for all of the instructions.

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