The Flood Hits Home Video: Give Noah a Chance

The Flood Hits Home Video: Give Noah a Chance August 15, 2014

Noah blurayHere comes the flood. Again.

Since Darren Aronofsky’s surprisingly (and maddeningly) controversial film Noah — starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, and Emma Watson — has finally arrived on home video (video on demand, streaming, blu-ray, and DVD), let me point you to my own review and the best reviews of the film I have come across to date.

I encourage you to see it… especially since there’s a flood of new Biblical epics coming our way, and it’ll be good to compare, contrast, explore, and discuss them.

Read My Review of Noah

Part One

Part Two

Look Closer at Noah

A commentary and a variety of notable reviews by some of my favorite film-lovers.

Listen to a Kindling Muse Podcast Discussion of Noah

Featuring Dr. Jeff Keuss, Dr. Christine Chaney, Jenny Spohr… and me.

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