Dave Deavel Joins the One Percent

Dave Deavel Joins the One Percent March 4, 2013

My friend Dave Deavel is deliciously Subversive of the Dominant Paradigm:

My wife and I are part of the 1 percent — so we’re used to criticism. We’ve made a bundle — heck, a number of bundles — and while the rest of the nation seems to be in a slump, we’re just making more. We’re part of the false cult of quantity at the expense of quality. Our consumption hurts the environment. Our ridiculous tax breaks reward our selfishness at others’ expense. To give us larger breaks is so ridiculous a suggestion even the Wall Street Journal calls us tax “gangsters.” But we, I reply, are the makers. It’s right that our tax burden is lower, since we ultimately provide the raw material for jobs, innovation and future tax revenue.

Of course, when I say we’re in the top 1 percent, I mean kids.

Love it. It’s like he’s not even ashamed or anything. I see the apostles of childlessness stamping their tiny feet in impotent rage and fuming, “I just don’t think we’re reaching that guy and his wife!”

Best part: Cathy Deavel so does *not* fit the media’s required role of beleagured, barefoot and pregnant wife, kept from all human flourishing by her domineering husband; uneducated, ignorant of the thrilling possibilities open to the Modern Woman in Today’s World. In fact, she’s a Ph.D of formidable intellect who teaches philosophy at the University of St. Thomas.

Read the whole piece. Wonderful stuff. It will be fun to see the overpopulation handwringers burst a blood vessel in the comboxes.

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