Tin Cup Rattle, Day 6

Tin Cup Rattle, Day 6 November 8, 2014

Clerihews! Brandon Vogt Radio Interviews! St. Thomas! Stupid Jokes! Theological musings!

You don’t get what you get here anywhere else. And to have sufficient food, clothing, shelter, and internet access for me to keep providing it, I need money to do that. If you like what you find here, please do consider plinking some shekels in the tin cup. We Sheas deeply appreciate it.

And, of course, you can get more rubble for the ruble by buying my stuff and/or hiring me to come speak about the Faith (it’ll be a blast).I also once stood in line next to Tom Skerrit. And my brother went to high school with Patrick Duffy. Dick Cheney is my personal beat boxer. As you can see, I am well-networked.

Oh, and I once shook hands with Jimmy Carter in high school (when I was in high school, not him).

If you have had brushes with fame, drop a couple a shekels in the pot and then come tell us about it in the combox.

By the way, my proudest brush with fame was the day I looked over at the car passing me on I5 near Boeing Field and there was none other than JP Patches. That may not seem like much to you, but to Seattleites, that makes me a second class relic. Can I get an Amen?

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