Today’s Chance to Do a Work of Mercy

Today’s Chance to Do a Work of Mercy June 19, 2015

A reader writes:

This is the link to the Facebook page for the Friendship Room Warming Center, a local charity run by a nice lady and her family in downtown Steubenville. It started as a store front opened up during the Polar Vortex two years ago, for a shelter to keep the homeless from freezing to death, and now they have a house of their own downtown where they have beds and three meals a day for the homeless. This is a huge need that no one else was filling– the regular soup kitchen only has meals a couple days a week and gives out groceries once a month because that’s all they can afford. The Friendship Room volunteers feed meals to the homeless almost every day, buy groceries for people stuck with nothing, they help find housing and furniture for families who have lost their homes, they hand out bottled water and popsicles to homeless people, drug addicts and prostitutes downtown who are outdoors in the extreme heat, they drive clients to the hospital and try to get them into rehab when needed, they’ve even got a community garden downtown growing vegetables to feed their guests. The Friendship Room is run entirely by donations from the community– she asks for food or bottled water or old furniture on the Facebook page and local businesses or individuals drop it off at the center. One when we were very poor, the family that runs the Friendship Room gave us some chickens and vegetables from their own farm and an Aldi gift card to buy what they couldn’t grow, and that was all that got us through the month.

In order to raise funds they are selling T-shirts, which you can see on their Facebook page, and of course they’ll just take a monetary donation as well. Thank you!

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