Son Cow Shea records the following conversation

Son Cow Shea records the following conversation July 24, 2017

Seraphim was struggling to understand why I call Grandma and Grandpa “Mom and Dad” sometimes.

Me: They’re your Grandma and Grandpa, but when I was a kid, I lived with them and they were my mom and dad!
Seraphim: You were a kid?!
Me: Yeah, I was a little baby and then I was as old as you are and th-
Seraphim: Were you teeny and cute?! *holds fingers apart an inch* 
Me: I was pretty cute, yeah!
*finds a picture of baby me*
Seraphim: That’s you? This cute baby was you?! *looks up into my current face and says sweetly:* Oh no!

I love that girl so much!

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